1st and 2nd Trimester Screening for Down Syndrome

First and Second Trimester Down Syndrome Screening

1st and 2nd Trimester Screening for Down Syndrome

Genetic Screening for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18

Peninsula Diagnostic Imaging was the first facility on the San Francisco Peninsula to provide Nuchal Translucency screening (NT ultrasound) with maternal biochemistries for first trimester screening for Down syndrome. We are accredited by the Fetal Medicine Foundation. Full Integrated screening through the California Prenatal Screening Program (pdf) is now available and is among the most sensitive screening tests for Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and open neural tube defects when combined with the second trimester maternal serum (Quad Marker Screening or Afp4).

Full Integrated Screening

Full Integrated Screening is the State of California’s screening program, which involves a nuchal translucency ultrasound and two maternal blood tests. This screen can provide you with a preliminary early report in the first trimester and the final result in the second trimester about your risk of Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and open neural tube defects. The sensitivity of Full Integrated Screening for the detection of Down syndrome is 90%.

Genetic counseling services are available for all patients to discuss their results and to obtain information about other testing including ethnicity specific carrier screening, CVS and amniocentesis. Genetic counseling is recommended for all women over 35.

We offer referrals for CVS and amniocentesis.